Tekonivelsairaala Coxa Sites > Coxapro > Clinical Library > Tervetuloa Clinical Libraryyn > Glenoid bone loss in primary and revision shoulder arthroplasty
Shoulder Elbow. 2016 Oct; 8(4): 229–240.
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Glenoid bone loss in primary and revision shoulder arthroplasty
Amar Malhas,corresponding author Abbas Rashid, Dave Copas, Steve Bale, and Ian TrailShoulder
The management of glenoid bone loss is a major challenge in both complex primary and revision arthroplasty surgery. To deal with this problem, a number of techniques have been advocated, although there has been no previous systematic review of the literature. In the present review, we have attempted to identify a coherent strategy for addressing this problem, taking into account the degree of bone loss, the advantages and limits of standard implants, bone reconstruction techniques and the use of customized prostheses.
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