Acta Orthopaedica, 81:1, 15-20

Treatment of the displaced femoral neck fracture, as reflected in Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica

Rolf Önnerfält

The publication of Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica started in1930, at the same time as “modern” treatment of the displaced femoral neck fracture was introduced by Sven Johansson (1932), who began his paper: “Scarcely any form of fracture has attracted so much discussion as fractures of the neck of femur, particularly those in the medial region”. Acta (with a change of name to Acta Orthopaedica in 2005) has devoted much space and interest to hip fracture, especially during the last 2 decades. Much has been published about the epidemiology in different geographical areas, for example, and rehabilitation. This report will focus on the treatment and outcome.

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