The Journal of Arthroplasty, Volume 31, Issue 5, 947 - 951

The 72-Hour Medicare Mandate After Total Joint Arthroplasty: Is This Medically Necessary?

Sisko, Zachary W. et al.
Hip Knee


Currently, Medicare total joint arthroplasty patients are required to stay postoperatively 3 days in the hospital before discharge to a skilled nursing facility (SNF). We evaluated Medicare’s mandated 3-night hospital stay rule to find out how many total joint arthroplastic patients are safe for discharge to SNFs on postoperative day 2 (POD2).


This is a retrospective case series analyzing Medicare primary total hip or total knee arthroplastic patients at a single hospital over 1 year. Patients meeting 15 separate criteria by POD2 were considered safe for discharge home rather than to a SNF.


Of 259 patients, 47.88% met discharge criteria to SNF POD2. 31.66% did not meet 1, 13.13% did not meet 2, and 6.95% did not meet ≥3 criteria on POD2. Common criteria delaying discharge were blood pressure abnormalities, increasing or elevated white blood cell count, cardiac abnormalities, and fever. Thirty-day readmission rate for patients in the group safe for discharge POD2 was 1.75%.


Of the total, 47.88% of patients required to stay by the Medicare 3-night stay rule were safe for discharge to SNF on POD2 without an increase in readmission rate at 30 days when compared to our institutional mean.

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