Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research: November 2002 - Volume 404 - Issue - p 291-301

Subchondral Cysts Arise in the Anterior Acetabulum in Dysplastic Osteoarthritic Hips

Yoshida, Masahiro MD*; Konishi, Nobuo MD**

The distribution of subchondral cysts in 57 dysplastic osteoarthritic hips of 38 patients was assessed by computed tomography and by a new computerized technique. The cyst count in osteoarthritic hips was inversely correlated with the width of the joint space. A greater accumulation of cysts was found in the acetabulum than in the femoral head, and more cysts were found in the anterior part of the hip than in the posterior part. Osteoarthritic change was more predominant in the acetabulum than in the femoral head, and was more predominant in the anterior part of the hip than in the posterior part.

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