Acta Orthopaedica, 77:3, 519-523

Skin protection underneath the pneumatic tourniquet during total knee arthroplasty: A randomized controlled trial of 92 patients

Charlotta Olivecrona, Jan Tidermark, Per Hamberg, Sari Ponzer & Claes Cederfjäll

Background The use of a pneumatic tourniquet to obtain a bloodless field during a total knee arthroplasty (TKA) allows the surgeon to work with greater technical precision in a safe, clear environment. Despite the benefits of surgical tourniquets and many advances in tourniquet equipment, their use is not without risk and complications may still occur. The primary aim of this study was to determine whether there are any differences between an elastic stockinette, cast padding, and no protective material at all regarding skin injuries after a primary TKA in a bloodless field using a pneumatic tourniquet.


Methods 92 patients were randomized to 1 of 3 groups. In the first group, the limb underneath the pneumatic tourniquet was protected by a two-layer elastic stockinette (E). In the second group, it was protected by cast padding (C), and no protective material (N) was used in the third group. The presence of major skin injuries (blisters) was recorded when the tourniquet was removed after surgery.


Results The two groups with skin protection had fewer skin injuries (p = 0.007). The elastic stockinette was significantly better than having no protective material and there was a trend towards better results in the elastic stockinette group than in the cast padding group.


Interpretations Our findings indicate that protective material underneath the tourniquet cuff reduces the risk of skin injuries, i.e. blisters. An elastic stockinette appears to be best.

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