Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research: April 2003 - Volume 409 - Issue - p 218-222

Radiologic Change Around Bilateral Femoral Stems in NonHodgkin’s Lymphoma

Suh, Kuen Tak MD*; Park, Byung Guk MD*; Park, Yang Soo MD*; Chung, Joo Seop MD†

Bilateral pathologic femoral neck fractures caused by nonHodgkin’s lymphoma occurred consecutively in a 66-year-old man. Spontaneous bony stabilization after initial extensive bone resorption around the femoral stems after hybrid total hip arthroplasties was observed. This is the first well-documented report on bone change around the femoral stems after bilateral total hip arthroplasties in pathologic femoral neck fractures caused by nonHodgkin’s lymphoma.

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