Title Author Year Publish information
Primary total hip arthroplasty versus hemiarthroplasty for displaced intracapsular hip fractures in older patients: systematic review Colin Hopley, strategic health outcomes manager1, Dirk Stengel, senior clinical epidemiologist23, Axel Ekkernkamp, professor23, Michael Wich, professor24 2010 BMJ 2010;340:c2332 Open
Hemiarthroplasty or internal fixation for intracapsular displaced femoral neck fractures: randomised controlled trial Frede Frihagen, clinical research fellow1, Lars Nordsletten, professor of orthopaedic surgery1, Jan Erik Madsen, professor of orthopaedic surgery 2007 BMJ 2007;335:1251 Open
Effectiveness of physiotherapy exercise after knee arthroplasty for osteoarthritis: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials Catherine J Minns Lowe, research fellow1, Karen L Barker, director2, Michael Dewey, special lecturer3, Catherine M Sackley, professor of physiotherapy research1 2007 BMJ 2007;335:812 Open
Safety and efficacy of routine postoperative ibuprofen for pain and disability related to ectopic bone formation after hip replacement surgery (HIPAID): randomised controlled trial Marlene Fransen, senior research fellow 1, Craig Anderson, director, neurological and mental health division1, Jan Douglas, project manager1, Stephen MacMahon, principal director1, Bruce Neal, director, cardiac and renal division1, Robyn Norton, principal director1, Mark Woodward, director, epidemiology and biostatistics division1, Ian D Cameron, director and professor of rehabilitation medicine2, Ross Crawford, professor of orthopaedic research3, Sing Kai Lo, associate professor of biostatistics4, Garnet Tregonning, orthopaedic surgeon5, Margaret Windolf, research nurse HIPAID Collaborative Group6 2006 BMJ 2006;333:519 Open
Rationing joint replacements: Trust’s decision seems to be based on prejudice or attributing blame… Nicholas Finer 2005 BMJ 2005;331:1472 Open
Role of radiography in predicting progression of osteoarthritis of the hip: prospective cohort study Max Reijman, clinical epidemiologist1, J M W Hazes, professor of rheumatology1, H.A.P Pols, professor of internal medicine1, R M D Bernsen, statistician1, B W Koes, professor of general practice1, S M A Bierma-Zeinstra, biomedical scientist1 2005 BMJ 2005;330:1183 Open
Home based exercise programme for knee pain and knee osteoarthritis: randomised controlled trial K S Thomas, research associatea, K R Muir, readerb, M Doherty, professor of rheumatology, A C Jones, consultant rheumatologista, S C O'Reilly, specialist registrara, E J Bassey, senior lecturer on behalf of the Community Osteoarthritis Research Groupc 2002 BMJ 2002;325:752 Open
Prevalence of knee problems in the population aged 55 years and over: identifying the need for knee arthroplasty Alan Tennant, Charterhouse principal research fellowa, Jon Fear, consultant in public health medicineb, Anne Pickering, health research managerb, Micky Hillman, research fellowa, Alison Cutts, senior research fellowa, M A Chamberlain, Charterhouse professor of rheumatological rehabilitationa 1995 BMJ 1995;310:1291 Open
Effect of dexamethasone as an analgesic adjuvant to multimodal pain treatment after total knee arthroplasty: randomised clinical trial Kasper Smidt Gasbjerg, doctoral student1, Daniel Hägi-Pedersen, clinical associate professor2 3 4, Troels Haxholdt Lunn, clinical associate professor2 5, Christina Cleveland Laursen, junior doctor5 6, Majken Holmqvist, junior doctor7, Louise Ørts Vinstrup, junior doctor5 6, Mette Ammitzboell, junior doctor8, Karina Jakobsen, research nurse1, Mette Skov Jensen, research nurse1, Marie Jøhnk Pallesen, nurse8, Jens Bagger, senior consultant8, Peter Lindholm, senior consultant9, Niels Anker Pedersen, senior consultant10, Henrik Morville Schrøder, clinical associate professor11, Martin Lindberg-Larsen, clinical associate professor12 16, Anders Kehlet Nørskov, consultant13 14, Kasper Højgaard Thybo, junior doctor7, Stig Brorson, professor2 15, Søren Overgaard, professor2 8 12 16, Janus Christian Jakobsen, professor3 14, Ole Mathiesen, professor2 7 2022 BMJ 2022;376:e067325 Open
Targeting rehabilitation to improve outcomes after total knee arthroplasty in patients at risk of poor outcomes: randomised controlled trial David F Hamilton, research fellow1, David J Beard, professor2, Karen L Barker, professor2, Gary J Macfarlane, professor3, Christopher E Tuck, trial manager4, Andrew Stoddart, senior health economist4, Timothy Wilton, professor5, James D Hutchinson, professor6, Gordon D Murray, professor4, A Hamish R W Simpson, professor1 on behalf of the TRIO investigators 2020 BMJ 2020;371:m3576 Open
Partial knee replacement could be first choice for some patients with osteoarthritis Rob Cook, clinical director1, Peter Davidson, clinical adviser2, Alicia White, analyst manager1 on behalf of NIHR Dissemination Centre 2019 BMJ 2019;367:l5994 Open
A traditional hip implant is as effective as newer types for people over 65 Rob Cook, clinical director1, Tara Lamont, director2, Rosie Martin, clinical specialist1 on behalf of NIHR Dissemination Centre 2019 BMJ 2019;366:l4230 Open
Patient relevant outcomes of unicompartmental versus total knee replacement: systematic review and meta-analysis Hannah A Wilson, research fellow1, Rob Middleton, research fellow1, Simon G F Abram, research fellow1, Stephanie Smith, postdoctoral research fellow1, Abtin Alvand, consultant orthopaedic surgeon1, William F Jackson, consultant orthopaedic surgeon2, Nicholas Bottomley, consultant orthopaedic surgeon2, Sally Hopewell, associate professor3, Andrew J Price, professor of orthopaedic surgery1 2019 BMJ 2019;364:l352 Open
Serious adverse events and lifetime risk of reoperation after elective shoulder replacement: population based cohort study using hospital episode statistics for England Richard S Craig, Royal College of Surgeons/National Joint Registry research fellow13, Jennifer C E Lane, Versus Arthritis research fellow13, Andrew J Carr, Nuffield professor of orthopaedic surgery13, Dominic Furniss, associate professor of plastic surgery13, Gary S Collins, professor of medical statistics23, Jonathan L Rees, professor of orthopaedic surgery and musculoskeletal science13 2019 BMJ 2019;364:l298 Open
Choice of implant combinations in total hip replacement: systematic review and network meta-analysis José A López-López, senior research associate1, Rachel L Humphriss, senior research associate1, Andrew D Beswick, research fellow2, Howard H Z Thom, research fellow1, Linda P Hunt, senior research fellow2, Amanda Burston, senior research associate2, Christopher G Fawsitt, senior research associate1, William Hollingworth, professor of health economics1, Julian P T Higgins, professor of evidence synthesis1, Nicky J Welton, professor of statistical and health economic modelling1, Ashley W Blom, professor of orthopaedic surgery2, Elsa M R Marques, research fellow2 2017 BMJ 2017;359:j4651 Open
Impact of total knee replacement practice: cost effectiveness analysis of data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative Bart S Ferket, assistant professor1, Zachary Feldman, medical student2, Jing Zhou, data analyst1, Edwin H Oei, assistant professor of musculoskeletal imaging3, Sita M A Bierma-Zeinstra, professor of osteoarthritis and related disorders4 5, Madhu Mazumdar, professor of biostatistics1 2017 BMJ 2017;356:j1131 Open
Setting benchmark revision rates for total hip replacement: analysis of registry evidence Ngianga-Bakwin Kandala, principal research fellow in health technology assessment1, Martin Connock, senior research fellow in health technology assessment1, Ruth Pulikottil-Jacob, research fellow in health economics1, Paul Sutcliffe, associate professor in health technology assessment1, Michael J Crowther, research associate and NIHR doctoral research fellow2, Amy Grove, NIHR doctoral research fellow in health services research1, Hema Mistry, assistant professor in health economics1, Aileen Clarke, professor of public health and health services research1 2015 BMJ 2015;350:h756 Open
Massachusetts health reform and disparities in joint replacement use: difference in differences study Amresh D Hanchate, assistant professor1, Alok Kapoor, assistant professor2, Jeffrey N Katz, professor3, Danny McCormick, associate professor4, Karen E Lasser, associate professor5, Chen Feng, research analyst6, Meredith G Manze, visiting assistant professor7, Nancy R Kressin, professor1 2015 BMJ 2015;350:h440 Open
Appraisal of evidence base for introduction of new implants in hip and knee replacement: a systematic review of five widely used device technologies Marc J Nieuwenhuijse, research fellow ICOR and FDA123, R G H H Nelissen, professor2, J W Schoones, information specialist4, A Sedrakyan, associate professor13 2014 BMJ 2014;349:g5133 Open
Relation between surgeon volume and risk of complications after total hip arthroplasty: propensity score matched cohort study heeshma Ravi, resident physician1, Richard Jenkinson, assistant professor1, Peter C Austin, senior scientist23, Ruth Croxford, epidemiologist2, David Wasserstein, fellow1, Benjamin Escott, fellow1, J Michael Paterson, scientist23, Hans Kreder, professor123, Gillian A Hawker, professor234 2014 BMJ 2014;348:g3284 Open
Relation of physical activity time to incident disability in community dwelling adults with or at risk of knee arthritis: prospective cohort study Dorothy D Dunlop, professor1, Jing Song, statistician1, Pamela A Semanik, associate professor2, Leena Sharma, professor1, Joan M Bathon, professor3, Charles B Eaton, professor4, Marc C Hochberg, professor5, Rebecca D Jackson, professor6, C Kent Kwoh, professor7, W Jerry Mysiw, professor6, Michael C Nevitt, professor78, Rowland W Chang, professor1 2014 BMJ 2014;348:g2472 Open
Failure rate of cemented and uncemented total hip replacements: register study of combined Nordic database of four nations Keijo T Mäkelä, associate professor1, Markus Matilainen, statistician2, Pekka Pulkkinen, statistician3, Anne M Fenstad, statistician4, Leif Havelin, professor45, Lars Engesaeter, professor45, Ove Furnes, professor45, Alma B Pedersen, clinical associate professor6, Søren Overgaard, professor78, Johan Kärrholm, professor9, Henrik Malchau, professor910, Göran Garellick, associate professor11, Jonas Ranstam, professor12, Antti Eskelinen, associate professor13 2014 BMJ 2014;348:f7592 Open
Mortality rates at 10 years after metal-on-metal hip resurfacing compared with total hip replacement in England: retrospective cohort analysis of hospital episode statistics Adrian R Kendal, research fellow1, Daniel Prieto-Alhambra, senior clinical research fellow1234, Nigel K Arden, professor of rheumatic diseases and consultant rheumatologist12, Andrew Carr, Nuffield professor of orthopaedic surgery1, Andrew Judge, senior statistician and departmental lecturer in musculoskeletal epidemiology12 2013 BMJ 2013;347:f6549 Open
The relation between total joint arthroplasty and risk for serious cardiovascular events in patients with moderate-severe osteoarthritis: propensity score matched landmark analysis Bheeshma Ravi, resident physician123, Ruth Croxford, epidemiologist4, Peter C Austin, senior scientist24, Lorraine Lipscombe, assistant professor235, Arlene S Bierman, associate professor2456, Paula J Harvey, scientist35, Gillian A Hawker, professor23457 2013 BMJ 2013;347:f6187 Open
Cemented, cementless, and hybrid prostheses for total hip replacement: cost effectiveness analysis Mark Pennington, lecturer in health economics1, Richard Grieve, reader in health economics1, Jasjeet S Sekhon, professor2, Paul Gregg, professor and consultant orthopaedic surgeon3, vice chairman4, Nick Black, professor of health services research1, Jan H van der Meulen, professor of clinical epidemiology1 2013 BMJ 2013;346:f1026 Open

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