Title Author Year Publish information
Changing pattern of major lower limb amputations in Seinäjoki Central Hospital 1997-2000. Eskelinen E, Eskelinen A, Hyytinen T, Jaakkola A. 2001 Ann Chir Gynaecol 2001;90:290-3. Open
Alaraaja-amputaatiot HUS-piirissä – tukkeavan valtimotaudin merkitys korostumassa. Eskelinen E, Hietala E-M, Sell H, Kauppila L, Mäenpää I, Pitkänen J, Salminen-Peltola P, Leutola S, Eskelinen A, Kivioja A, Tukiainen E, Lukinmaa A, Brasken P, Lepäntalo M. 2004 Suomen Lääkärilehti 2004;15-16:1633-8 Open
Reisiluun kaulan murtumien nykyhoito. Eskelinen A, Paavolainen P, Vuorinen J, Remes V. 2006 Suomen Lääkärilehti 2006; 36; 3577-84 Open
Lower limb amputations in Southern Finland in 2000 and trends up to 2001. Eskelinen E, Lepäntalo M, Hietala E-M, Sell H, Kauppila L, Mäenpää I, Pitkänen J, Salminen-Peltola P, Leutola S, Eskelinen A, Kivioja A, Tukiainen E, Lukinmaa A, Brasken P, Railo M. 2004 Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2004;27:193-200. Open
Primary cartilage lesions of the knee joint in young male adults. Overweight as a predisposing factor. An arthroscopic study. Eskelinen A, Visuri T, Larni H, Ritsilä V. 2004 Scand J Surg. 2004; 93: 229-33. Open
Infra-inguinal percutaneous transluminal angioplasty for limb salvage: a retrospective analysis in a single center. Eskelinen E, Albäck A, Roth WD, Lappalainen K, Keto P, Railo M, Eskelinen A, Lepäntalo M. 2005 Acta Radiol. 2005 Apr;46(2):155-62. Open
Total hip arthroplasty for primary osteoarthrosis in younger patients in the Finnish arthroplasty register. 4,661 primary replacements followed for 0-22 years. Eskelinen A, Remes V, Helenius I, Pulkkinen P, Nevalainen J, Paavolainen P. 2005 Acta Orthop. 2005 Feb;76(1):28-41. Open
Major amputation incidence decreases both in non-diabetic and in diabetic patients in Helsinki. Eskelinen E, Eskelinen A, Albäck A, Lepäntalo M. 2006 Scand J Surg 2006; 95: 185-9 Open
Cementless total hip arthroplasty in patients with severely dysplastic hips and a previous Schanz osteotomy of the femur: techniques, pitfalls, and long-term outcome. Eskelinen A, Remes V, Helenius I, Ylinen P, Tallroth K, Paavilainen T. 2009 Acta Orthop 2009; 80: 263-9. Open
Cementless total hip arthroplasty in patients with high congenital hip dislocation. Eskelinen A, Helenius I, Remes V, Ylinen P, Tallroth K, Paavilainen T. 2006 J Bone J Surg Am. 2006; 88: 80-91. Open
Total hip arthroplasty for rheumatoid arthritis in younger patients: 2,557 replacements in the Finnish Arthroplasty Register followed for 0-24 years. Eskelinen A, Remes V, Helenius I, Pulkkinen P, Paavolainen P. 2006 Acta Orthop 2006; 77: 853-65. Open
Uncemented total hip arthroplasty for primary osteoarthritis in young patients: a mid-to long-term follow-up study from the Finnish Arthroplasty Register. Eskelinen A, Remes V, Helenius I, Pulkkinen P, Nevalainen J, Paavolainen P. 2006 Acta Orthop 2006; 77: 57-70. Open
Unicondylar knee replacement for primary osteoarthritis: a prospective follow-up study of 1,819 patients from the Finnish Arthroplasty Register. Koskinen E, Paavolainen P, Eskelinen A, Pulkkinen P, Remes V. 2007 Acta Orthop 2007; 78: 128-35. Open
Comparison of survival and cost-effectiveness between unicondylar arthroplasty and total knee arthroplasty in patients with primary osteoarthritis: a follow-up study of 50,493 knee replacements from the Finnish Arthroplasty Register. Koskinen E, Eskelinen A, Paavolainen P, Pulkkinen P, Remes V. 2008 Acta Orthop. 2008; 79: 499-507. Open
Cemented total hip replacement for primary osteoarthritis in patients aged 55 years or older: results of the 12 most common cemented implants followed for 25 years in the Finnish Arthroplasty Register. Mäkelä K, Eskelinen A, Pulkkinen P, Paavolainen P, Remes V. 2008 J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2008; 90: 1562-9. Open
Total hip arthroplasty for primary osteoarthritis in patients fifty-five years of age or older. An analysis of the Finnish arthroplasty registry. Mäkelä KT, Eskelinen A, Pulkkinen P, Paavolainen P, Remes V. 2008 J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2008; 90: 2160-70. Open
Inter- and intra-observer variability of the Crowe and Hartofilakidis classification systems for congenital hip disease in adults. Yiannakopoulos CK, Chougle A, Eskelinen A, Hodgkinson JP, Hartofilakidis G. 2008 J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2008; 90: 579-83. Open
Effectiveness of superficial venous surgery in terms of quality-adjusted life years and costs. Eskelinen E, Räsänen P, Albäck A, Lepäntalo M, Eskelinen A, Roine RP. 2009 Scand J Surg 2009; 98: 229-33. Open
Medial unicompartmental knee arthroplasty with Miller-Galante II prosthesis: mid-term clinical and radiographic results. Koskinen E, Paavolainen P, Eskelinen A, Harilainen A, Sandelin J, Ylinen P, Tallroth K, Remes V. 2009 Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2009; 129: 617-24. Open
Total elbow arthroplasty in rheumatoid arthritis: a population-based study from the Finnish Arthroplasty Register. Skyttä ET, Eskelinen A, Paavolainen P, Ikävalko M, Remes V. 2009 Acta Orthop. 2009; 80: 472–7. Open
Long-term Results of Hip and Knee Arthroplasties A Review of Population-based Results Obtained from the Finnish Arthroplasty Registry Eskelinen A, Remes V, Mäkelä K, Paavolainen P. 2009 Japanese Journal of Joint Diseases 2009; 28: 171-81. Open
Total ankle replacement: a population-based study of 515 cases from the Finnish Arthroplasty Register. Skyttä ET, Koivu H, Eskelinen A, Ikävalko M, Paavolainen P, Remes V. 2010 Acta Orthop 2010; 81: 114-8. Open
Cementless total hip arthroplasty for primary osteoarthritis in patients aged 55 years and older. Mäkelä KT, Eskelinen A, Pulkkinen P, Paavolainen P, Remes V. 2010 Acta Orthop 2010; 81: 42-52. Open
Early results of 827 trabecular metal revision shells in acetabular revision. Skyttä ET, Eskelinen A, Paavolainen PO, Remes VM. 2011 J Arthroplasty. 2011;26: 342-5. Open
Increasing incidence of hip arthroplasty for primary osteoarthritis in 30- to 59-year-old patients. Skyttä ET, Leskinen J, Eskelinen A, Huhtala H, Remes V. 2011 Acta Orthop. 2011;82:1-5. Open

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