Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research: October 2004 - Volume 427 - Issue - p 127-131

MRI Can Identify High Intensity Bands around Implants That Correspond to Radiolucent Lines on Radiographs: An Ex Vivo Study of Sheep Acetabula

Hopper, Tim A. J BSC (HONS)*; Crawford, Ross W DPHIL, MBBS†; Timperley, A J MB, CHB‡; Slaughter, Richard MBBS§; Pope, James M DPHIL*

We investigated the use of magnetic resonance imaging in categorizing the tissue interface between bone and bone cement after total hip replacement. In an ex vivo sheep model, we compared correlations between the thicknesses of radiolucent lines measured from plain radiographs and corresponding high signal intensity bands in magnetic resonance imaging scans. Correlations obtained for the three main Gruen Zones were in the range between r2 = 0.58 (superior zone), and r2 = 0.86 (inferior zone). In two specimens magnetic resonance imaging was able to detect high signal intensity bands that were not visible on the radiographs. The average thickness of the high signal intensity bands measured on the magnetic resonance imaging scans ranged from 14.6% (Zone 2) to 39.9% (Zone 3) larger than the corresponding radiolucent lines measured on the plain radiographs. Magnetic resonance imaging has the advantage over current techniques in that it is noninvasive and does not use ionizing radiation. If problems associated with metal artifacts can be reduced, these potential advantages may make magnetic resonance imaging the preferred method for longitudinal studies assessing osteointegration and analysis of fibrous membranes.

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