Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica, 72:3, 266-269

Macroscopic and histological assessments of the cruciate ligaments in arthrosis of the knee

Jerome Allain, Daniel Goutallier & Marie Catherine Voisin

We examined the macroscopic appearance of both cruciate ligaments in 52 knees during knee replacement. It was classsified as normal, abnormal or ruptured. The ligaments were also evaluated histologically: stage 0 (normal), stage 1 (degeneration of < 1/3 of the collagen fibers), stage 2 (degeneration of 1/3-2/3) and stage 3 (> 2/3). 17 anterior cruciate ligaments (ACL) were normal, 14 were abnormal and 21 ruptured. All the posterior cruciate ligaments (PCL) were normal. 14 ACL were stage 0, 6 stage 1, 8 stage 2 and 24 were stage 3. 22 PCL were stage 0, 14 stage 1, 13 stage 2 and 3 were stage 3. When the ACL was abnormal or ruptured, the PCL was stage 0 only in one fourth of the cases. The long-term results of TKR retaining the PCL should be better if the ligament is strong. The intraoperative assessment of the macroscopic appearance of the ACL reflects the histological state of the PCL.

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