The Journal of Arthroplasty, ISSN: 0883-5403, Vol: 22, Issue: 2, Page: 310

Is Cementless Acetabular Fixation an Improvement in Total Hip Arthroplasty Performed in Younger Patients?

John Callaghan; Matthew Teusink; Jonathan Donigan; Lucian Warth; Steve Liu; Jason Sullivan; Devon Goetz; David Vittetoe; Richard Johnston

Especially in the young patient, cemented acetabular fixation in the total hip arthroplasty (THA) construct has had limited long-term durability. For this reason, the 2 senior authors began using cementless acetabular components in 1986. The authors address the question, β€œIs the durability of cementless acetabular fixation greater than cemented fixation in younger patients (age 50 years and younger) at 10- to 18-year follow-up?”

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