JSES Open Access. 2019 Dec; 3(4): 296–303.

Impact of screw length and screw quantity on reverse total shoulder arthroplasty glenoid fixation for 2 different sizes of glenoid baseplates

Christopher Roche, MSE, MBA,a Caitlin DiGeorgio, MS,a Jose Yegres, MS,a Jennifer VanDeven, MS,a Nick Stroud, MS,a Pierre-Henri Flurin, MD,b Thomas Wright, MD,c Emilie Cheung, MD,d and Joseph D. Zuckerman, MDe,∗


Little guidance exists regarding the minimum screw length and screw quantity necessary to achieve fixation in reverse total shoulder arthroplasty (rTSA); to that end, this study quantified the displacement of 2 different sizes of glenoid baseplates using multiple different screw lengths and quantities of screws in a low-density polyurethane bone-substitute model.


Testing of rTSA glenoid loosening was conducted according to ASTM F 2028-17. To independently evaluate the impact of screw quantity and screw length on rTSA glenoid fixation for 2 different sizes of glenoid baseplates, baseplates were constructed using 2 screws, 4 screws, or 6 screws (with the latter being used for the larger baseplate only) with 3 different poly-axial locking compression screw lengths.


Both sizes of glenoid baseplates remained well fixed after cyclic loading regardless of screw length or screw quantity. Baseplates with 2 screws had significantly greater displacement than baseplates with 4 or 6 screws. No differences were observed between baseplates with 4 screws and those with 6 screws (used for the larger baseplate). Both sizes of baseplates with 18-mm screws had significantly greater displacement than baseplates with 30- or 46-mm screws. For larger baseplates, those with 30-mm screws had significantly greater displacement than those with 46-mm screws in the superior-inferior direction.


For the 2 different sizes of baseplates tested in this study, rTSA glenoid fixation was impacted by both screw quantity and screw length. Irrespective of screw quantity, longer screws showed significantly better fixation. Irrespective of screw length, the use of more screws showed significantly better fixation, up to a point, as the use of more than 4 screws showed no incremental benefit. Finally, longer screws can be used as a substitute for additional fixation if it is not feasible to use more screws.

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