> Clinical Library > Welcome to the joint replacement clinical library > Hip Arthroplasty Pseudotumors: Pathogenesis, Imaging, and Clinical Decision Making
J Clin Imaging Sci. 2016; 6: 17.
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Hip Arthroplasty Pseudotumors: Pathogenesis, Imaging, and Clinical Decision Making
Derik L Davis and James J Morrison1Hip
Pseudotumors are a complication of hip arthroplasty. The goal of this article is to review the clinical presentation, pathogenesis, histology, and the role of diagnostic imaging in clinical decision making for treatment, and surveillance of pseudotumors. We will discuss the multimodal imaging appearances, differential diagnosis, associated complications, treatment, and prognosis of pseudotumors, as an aid to the assessment of orthopedic prostheses at the hip.
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