BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2016; 17: 113.

Does Goal Attainment Scaling improve satisfaction regarding performance of activities of younger knee arthroplasty patients? Study protocol of the randomized controlled ACTION trial

Suzanne Witjes,corresponding author# Alexander Hoorntje,# P. Paul F. M. Kuijer, Koen L. M. Koenraadt, Leendert Blankevoort, Gino M. M. J. Kerkhoffs, and Rutger C. I. van Geenen


Knee arthroplasty is being increasingly performed, and also more often in a younger patient population (<65 years of age). Up to 20 % of patients remain dissatisfied after knee arthroplasty, despite the apparent technical success of the operation. Recent studies suggest that the fulfilment of patients’ expectations plays an important role in achieving satisfaction. Thus, addressing preoperative expectations more explicitly might improve patient satisfaction. The primary aim of the present study is to investigate the effect of a multidisciplinary, goal attained and individualized rehabilitation on satisfaction of activities of younger patients (<65 years) after knee arthroplasty.


A single-centre randomized controlled trial will be conducted. In total, 120 patients (<65 years of age) with knee osteoarthritis who will undergo knee arthroplasty, will be randomly allocated to either goal attainment scaling rehabilitation or usual care rehabilitation. Goal attainment scaling rehabilitation includes drafting individually set rehabilitation goals preoperatively and measuring progress of rehabilitation on a six-point scale (-3 to +2). The primary outcome is patient satisfaction concerning activities in daily life, work and leisure time, including sports. Secondary outcome measures include KOOS, OKS, SQUASH and WORQ questionnaires and activity objectively measured with the Activ8® activity monitor.


The findings of this study will help to elucidate whether goal attainment scaling is an effective rehabilitation method for achieving higher levels of patient satisfaction, with a focus on activities, in younger patients after knee arthroplasty.

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