A total of 343 THA and 322 TKA patients with complete follow-up were included. Preoperatively, >60% of patients (both THA/TKA) expected to get back to normal or have much improvement in 19 of 20 (THA) and 12 of 19 (TKA) items. Expectations were fulfilled or exceeded in >60% of patients in all 20 items for THA and 17 of 19 items for TKA. In THA, items with the largest proportions patients with unfulfilled expectations (>30%) were “improvement in walking ability: long distances” (31%), “walking stairs” (33%), and “improve ability to cut toenails” (38%). In TKA, expectations for 12 of 19 items were unfulfilled in >30% of patients, with the largest proportions seen for “being able to kneel down” (44%) and “being able to squat” (47%).