The Journal of Arthroplasty, ISSN: 0883-5403, Vol: 22, Issue: 4, Page: 30-31

Trial Reduction: The Last Chance to Get It Right

David S. Hungerford

Trial reduction at total knee arthroplasty is an integral part of the procedure. It is the last thing that is done before the components are implanted and the knee is closed. Perhaps because it is the last step, it is getting less attention than it deserves. It is obvious from some of the postoperative radiographs seen in our clinic that the surgeon could not have done a careful trial reduction. This article defines the importance of performing a careful trial reduction and points out some of the pitfalls in detecting the true cause of the abnormality that might be detected at trial reduction. It implores the surgeon to give the proper attention to the importance of this part of the procedure.

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