Acta Orthopaedica, 78:1, 123-127

The trochlea is medialized by total knee arthroplasty: An intraoperative assessment in 61 patients

Huub J Meijerink, Marco Barink, Corné J M Van Loon, Paul J A Schwering, Roland D Donk, Nico Verdonschot & Maarten C de Waal Malefijt

Background A medialization of the femoral component in a total knee arthroplasty (TKA) causes abnormal patellar tracking, which could result in patellar instability, pain, wear, and failure. Previous reports defined medialization in relation to the neutral position of the femoral component, but omitted to compare it to the anatomical position of the trochlea. We assessed intraoperatively whether there is a systematic error of the position of the prosthetic groove relative to the anatomical trochlea.


Material and methods A special instrument was developed to measure consecutively the mediolateral position of the anatomical trochlea and the mediolateral position of the prosthetic groove. 3 experienced knee surgeons determined the mediolateral error of the prosthetic groove in primary TKAs in 61 patients.


Results There was a significant medial error of the prosthetic groove relative to the preoperative position of the trochlea, with a mean medial error of 2.5 mm (SD 3.3)


Interpretation Our findings indicate that the trochlea is medialized by TKA. Because a conscious medialization of the femoral component in a TKA produces abnormal patellar tracking patterns, further investigations will be needed to analyze the clinical consequences of this medialization of the trochlea.

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