VOLUME 4, ISSUE 3, P125-127, SEPTEMBER 01, 1997

The arthroscopic removal of loose bodies from the posterior compartments of the knee: a ‘two arthroscope technique’

S.K. Kulkarni S.D. Smith J. Ireland

Arthroscopic removal of loose bodies from the posterior compartments of the knee is often difficult. The problems of arthroscopic access are even greater in the osteoarthritic knee due to osteophytic encroachment around the intercondylar notch and synovial proliferation in the posterior compartments. Blind insertion of the obturator and sheath into the notch may not succeed and attempts to push the telescope risk damaging the instrument. A simple and safe technique of entering the posterior compartments under direct vision for removal of loose bodies is demonstrated. Two selective cases are presented to illustrate the value of the technique in the degenerate knee.

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