Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research: November 2002 - Volume 404 - Issue - p 139-142

Salvage of Infected Total Knee Fusion: The Last Option

Wiedel, Jerome D. MD

Currently the most common indication for an arthrodesis of the knee is a failed infected total knee prosthesis. Other causes of a failed total knee replacement that might necessitate a knee fusion include aseptic loosening, deficient extensor mechanism, poor soft tissues, and Charcot joint. Techniques available for achieving a knee fusion are external fixation and internal fixation methods. The external fixation compression devices have been the most widely used for knee fusion and have been successful until the indications for fusion changed to mostly failed prosthetic knee replacement. With failed total knee replacement, the problem of severe bone loss became an issue, and the external fixation compression devices, even including the biplane external fixators, have been the least successful method reported for gaining fusion. The Ilizarov technique has been shown to achieve rigid fixation despite this bone loss, and a review of reports are showing high fusion rates using this method. Internal fixation methods including plate fixation and intramedullary nails have had the best success in gaining fusion in the face of this bone loss and have replaced external fixation methods as the technique of choice for knee fusion when severe bone loss is present. A review of the literature and a discussion of different fusion techniques are presented including a discussion of the influence that infection has on the success of fusion.

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