Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research: January 2002 - Volume 394 - Issue - p 161-168

Patellar Tracking and Patellofemoral Geometry in Deep Knee Flexion

Moro-oka, Takaaki MD*; Matsuda, Shuichi MD*; Miura, Hiromasa MD*; Nagamine, Ryuji MD*; Urabe, Ken MD*; Kawano, Tsutomu MD*; Higaki, Hidehiko PhD**; Iwamoto, Yukihide MD*

Patellar tracking and femoral condylar geometry in deep knee flexion were evaluated using magnetic resonance imaging. The patellar tilting angle, patellar shift, and patellar anteroposterior translation from 0° to 135° flexion were measured. The depth of the femoral condylar articular surface and the curvature of the femoral condylar articular surface also were measured at 135° flexion. The patella shifted laterally, tilted medially, and sank deeply into the intercondylar notch during deep knee flexion. The articular surface of the lateral condyle, existing deep within the intercondylar notch, began to curve steeply at a point farther from the center of the intercondylar notch than did the medial condyle. The geometry of the femoral condyle is adequate to fit the patellar geometry. Results of the current study suggest that the geometry of the lateral femoral condyle allows the patella to track smoothly with a larger patellofemoral contact area and less patellofemoral pressure during deep flexion.

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