The Journal of Arthroplasty, ISSN: 0883-5403, Vol: 25, Issue: 3, Page: e8

MIS versus Standard TKR: A Prospective Randomized Double Blinded Study Comparing Postoperative Strength and Functional Recovery

Bryan J. Nestor; Kristin Foote; Sherry I. Backus; Stephen Lyman; Charles E. Toulson; Howard Hillstrom; Russell E. Windsor

Advantages of MIS TKR include less postoperative pain and improved early range of motion. However, all studies to date are either retrospective, or at best prospective comparisons with matched controls and as such fail to control for patient expectations/placebo effect and in many cases selection bias. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the MIS midvastus approach to TKR resulted in quantitative differences in quadriceps muscle strength and the previously cited advantages.

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