Acta Orthopaedica, 82:sup344, 1-26

Mind the gaps! Clinical and technical aspects of PCL-retaining total knee replacement with the balanced gap technique

Petra Heesterbeek

In this thesis several aspects and consequences of the balanced gap implantation technique for total knee replacement (TKR) will be described and analyzed. Although this technique was introduced as early as in 1976 by Insall (Insall et al. 1976) thanks to modern technologies it has further evolved which has raised this TKR procedure to a higher level. This introduction starts by describing the relevant anatomy and biomechanics of the knee necessary to understand the subsequent studies. In addition, a short description of osteoarthritis of the knee and the total knee replacement as a choice of treatment will be given. The two main implantation philosophies around the total knee replacement will also be explained, and the balanced gap technique will be introduced and described. In conclusion the issues around the balanced gap implantation technique – which lead to the main research questions that will be addressed in the subsequent studies of this thesis – will be outlined.

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