The Journal of Arthroplasty, ISSN: 0883-5403, Vol: 24, Issue: 5, Page: 661-667

FULL LENGTH ARTICLE| VOLUME 24, ISSUE 5, P661-667, AUGUST 01, 2009 Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Diagnosis and Management of Hip Pain After Total Hip Arthroplasty

Cooper, H John; Ranawat, Amar S; Potter, Hollis G; Foo, Li Foong; Jawetz, Shari T; Ranawat, Chitranjan S
Evaluation of pain following total hip arthroplasty (THA) can be challenging in the absence of radiographic pathology. This study aimed to examine the diagnostic utility of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the evaluation of enigmatic hip pain following THA. We reviewed a series of patients who were evaluated with MRI after presenting with enigmatic hip pain following THA. MRI was able to demonstrate pathology in the periprosthetic tissues in all hips with minimal artifact. Patients underwent a range of conservative and operative interventions depending on the underlying pathology. If used discriminately in situations where pathology cannot be detected by conventional methods, MRI is a highly effective modality that can aid in the diagnosis of a wide range of disorders thereby allowing the clinician to determine the most appropriate intervention.

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