The Journal of Arthroplasty, ISSN: 0883-5403, Vol: 22, Issue: 5, Page: 715-720

Difference Between 2 Measurement Methods of Version Angles of the Acetabular Component

Arai, Noriyuki; Nakamura, Shigeru; Matsushita, Takashi

We evaluated the relationship and the difference between measurements of version angles (VAs) of the acetabular components in total hip arthroplasty taken using 2 different methods. One VA was measured on an anteroposterior radiograph of the hip joint (VAP) and the other on a cross-table lateral radiograph (VCL) in 97 hips after surgery (clinical data) and 6 sawbone pelvic models (model data). There was a positive correlation between VAP and VCL for both data. Mean and standard deviation of the differences (VCL − VAP) between the 2 measurements were 5° ± 4.2° in clinical data and −0.01° ± 0.32° in model data. These differences on clinical data should be taken into consideration when comparing VAs in the literature using different measuring methods.

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