The Journal of Arthroplasty, ISSN: 0883-5403, Vol: 19, Issue: 2, Page: 244-247

Acute pasteurella multocida in total knee arthroplasty

James B. Stiehl; Lawrence A. Sterkin; Charles F. Brummitt
Pasturella multocida is a rare cause of joint sepsis in total joint arthroplasty, and all case reports have identified a distant source of infection from an animal bite that has caused potential hematogenous seeding of the prosthesis. We report a case in which no potential distal wound source was found and the only likely etiology was local wound seeding from an old injury. In that injury, a saddle stirrup had caused a severe traumatic soft tissue injury as a horse had rolled over the patient. We draw attention to the fact that this particular bacteria is virulent in producing septic contamination of a total joint prosthesis, and aggressive treatment is indicated when such infection is identified.

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