The Journal of Arthroplasty, Volume 32, Issue 9, 2878 - 2886

A Comparison Between Chinese and Caucasian 3-Dimensional Bony Morphometry in Presimulated and Postsimulated Osteotomy for Total Knee Arthroplasty

Ma, Qian-Li et al.


The bone morphologies of intact knees were measured and compared between Chinese and Caucasian populations. However, to assess if distinct designs of implants are necessary for the Chinese population owing to different morphologies and sizes, the knee measurements after osteotomy performed in total knee arthroplasty were evaluated.


Thirty-seven Caucasian and 50 Chinese patients’ knees were examined using computed tomography scans. Mimics were applied to reconstruct 3-dimensional bone models. Dimensions of the 3-dimensional knee models and simulated bone resections during total knee arthroplasty were measured using Geomagic Studio and Pro/ENGINEER. The morphologic measurements of the native and resected femur and tibia included the anteroposterior (AP) depth, mediolateral (ML) width, notch width, knee physical valgus angle, tibial slope angle, and the ML-to-AP ratio of the femur, tibia, and resected femur. Statistical analysis was performed using the independent samples t test and the Pearson correlation coefficient in SPSS for Windows. Values of P < .05 were considered significant.


No measurements were significantly different between the Chinese and Caucasian knees. However, the Chinese female showed significant differences compared with the Chinese male on distal femoral measurements both presimulated and postsimulated osteotomy such as a smaller mean ML-to-AP ratio in presimulated (1.3 ± 0.1) and postsimulated (1.3 ± 0.1) osteotomy.


The necessity of designing a full set of total knee components specifically for the Chinese population is still undetermined. However, we suggest designing femoral components specific for the Chinese females because of different postosteotomy distal femoral ML-to-AP ratio between the Chinese males and the Chinese females.

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